Karma is a Bitch - is the first thing that comes in mind when one hears the term ‘Karma’.
But, do you really think that it is a bitch? Or is it just unnecessarily defamed to coax the mind for the bad times that one is experiencing?
The basic concept of Karma is – What goes around comes around.
In the famous sitcom The Big Bang Theory, Raj defends Karma as – It’s not a superstition. It’s practically Newtonian – for every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction.
Nevertheless, the view on Karma differs from person to person depending on the times they are experiencing. During happy times, noone gives a shit about it whereas during bad times, all the blame is put on it!
Now who can ignore the ideas about Rebirths while discussing Karma! My friend once said – “I don’t believe in rebirths”. I am damn sure that even you people have contrasting views on rebirths. But there comes certain periods in life when you have no rationale (to give yourself) other than ‘Karma of the previous births’ for the distressing times that you are going through.
I realised this entire thing recently. At present, my life is one of the most depressing time periods that I have ever experienced in my life… so much so that I have become damn sure that I have done nothing that evil in this life to be in such a fuckin’ situation and therefore have been forced to believe that it must be the result of the evil karmas of my previous birth. And at this time, I have understood the real meaning of ‘Karma is a bitch’.
In ancient times, the Theory of Karma had a very important effect on the society –
- Karma Theory acted as a justification to the division of labor – One’s status in life is determined by one’s action (karma) in past incarnations. Thus even the most wretched man with his degrading occupation remains satisfied with the belief that the miseries of his present life, are the result of his sins in his previous life; and if he submissively performs his caste duties in this life, he will be born in a higher caste in the next life.
- According to Max Weber, ideas of ‘Karma’, ‘Dharma’ and ‘Punarjanma’ prevented rise of capitalism in many societies.
Coming back to the present times, I am not here to defend Karma or make you believe in it. You’ll realise what your mind truly feels about it when (God forbid) you fall into circumstances which force you to end up in being left with no reason other than blaming Karma!
Anyways, if God makes me a member of the Department of Karma, I’ll definitely try to modify the rules – Karma should definitely be present, but its thread with rebirths should be disconnected…I mean, why should one be punished or awarded for the deeds of his previous birth? Shouldn’t the victim of the evil deeds of that person see him get penalized in front of his eyes?!
One will never know the answer about its existence. Nonetheless, if the belief in Karma can make a person do kind activities or its fear can prevent him from indulging in anti-social activities…then why hate it?
For the time being, let us just satisfy ourselves by modifying the statement into – Karma is a bitch only when you are!
The first thing that comes in mind when one hears the term ‘Karma’ is – Karma is a Bitch.
But, do you really think that it is a bitch? Or is it just unnecessarily defamed to coax the mind for the bad times that one is experiencing?
The basic concept of Karma is – What goes around comes around.
In the famous sitcom The Big Bang Theory, Raj defends Karma as – It’s not a superstition. It’s practically Newtonian – for every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction.
Nevertheless, the view on Karma differs from person to person depending on the times they are experiencing. During happy times, noone gives a shit about it whereas during bad times, all the blame is put on it!
Now who can ignore the ideas about Rebirths while discussing Karma! My friend once said – “I don’t believe in rebirths”. I am damn sure that even you people have contrasting views on rebirths. But there comes certain periods in life when you have no rationale (to give yourself) other than ‘Karma of the previous births’ for the distressing times that you are going through.
I realised this entire thing recently. At present, my life is one of the most depressing time periods that I have ever experienced in my life… so much so that I have become damn sure that I have done nothing that evil in this life to be in such a fuckin’ situation and therefore have been forced to believe that it must be the result of the evil karmas of my previous birth. And at this time, I have understood the real meaning of ‘Karma is a bitch’.
In ancient times, the Theory of Karma had a very important effect on the society –
- Karma Theory acted as a justification to the division of labor – One’s status in life is determined by one’s action (karma) in past incarnations. Thus even the most wretched man with his degrading occupation remains satisfied with the belief that the miseries of his present life, are the result of his sins in his previous life; and if he submissively performs his caste duties in this life, he will be born in a higher caste in the next life.
- According to Max Weber, ideas of ‘Karma’, ‘Dharma’ and ‘Punarjanma’ prevented rise of capitalism in many societies.
Coming back to the present times, I am not here to defend Karma or make you believe in it. You’ll realise what your mind truly feels about it when (God forbid) you fall into circumstances which force you to end up in being left with no reason other than blaming Karma!
Anyways, if God makes me a member of the Department of Karma, I’ll definitely try to modify the rules – Karma should definitely be present, but its thread with rebirths should be disconnected…I mean, why should one be punished or awarded for the deeds of his previous birth? Shouldn’t the victim of the evil deeds of that person see him get penalized in front of his eyes?!
One will never know the answer about its existence. Nonetheless, if the belief in Karma can make a person do kind activities or its fear can prevent him from indulging in anti-social activities…then why hate it?
For the time being, let us just satisfy ourselves by modifying the statement into – Karma is a bitch only when you are!
The first thing that comes in mind when one hears the term ‘Karma’ is – Karma is a Bitch.
But, do you really think that it is a bitch? Or is it just unnecessarily defamed to coax the mind for the bad times that one is experiencing?
The basic concept of Karma is – What goes around comes around.
In the famous sitcom The Big Bang Theory, Raj defends Karma as – It’s not a superstition. It’s practically Newtonian – for every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction.
Nevertheless, the view on Karma differs from person to person depending on the times they are experiencing. During happy times, noone gives a shit about it whereas during bad times, all the blame is put on it!
Now who can ignore the ideas about Rebirths while discussing Karma! My friend once said – “I don’t believe in rebirths”. I am damn sure that even you people have contrasting views on rebirths. But there comes certain periods in life when you have no rationale (to give yourself) other than ‘Karma of the previous births’ for the distressing times that you are going through.
I realised this entire thing recently. My current professional life is one of the most depressing time periods that I have ever experienced in my life… so much so that I have become damn sure that I have done nothing that evil in this life to be in such a fuckin’ situation and therefore have been forced to believe that it must be the result of the evil karmas of my previous birth. And at this time, I have understood the real meaning of ‘Karma is a bitch’.
In ancient times, the Theory of Karma had a very important effect on the society –
- Karma Theory acted as a justification to the division of labor – One’s status in life is determined by one’s action (karma) in past incarnations. Thus even the most wretched man with his degrading occupation remains satisfied with the belief that the miseries of his present life, are the result of his sins in his previous life; and if he submissively performs his caste duties in this life, he will be born in a higher caste in the next life.
- According to Max Weber, ideas of ‘Karma’, ‘Dharma’ and ‘Punarjanma’ prevented rise of capitalism in many societies.
Coming back to the present times, I am not here to defend Karma or make you believe in it. You’ll realise what your mind truly feels about it when (God forbid) you fall into circumstances which force you to end up in being left with no reason other than blaming Karma!
Anyways, if God makes me a member of the Department of Karma, I’ll definitely try to modify the rules – Karma should definitely be present, but its thread with rebirths should be disconnected…I mean, why should one be punished or awarded for the deeds of his previous birth? Shouldn’t the victim of the evil deeds of that person see him get penalized in front of his eyes?!
One will never know the answer about its existence. Nonetheless, if the belief in Karma can make a person do kind activities or its fear can prevent him from indulging in anti-social activities…then why hate it?
For the time being, let us just satisfy ourselves by modifying the statement into – Karma is a bitch only when you are!

The first thing that comes in mind when one hears the term ‘Karma’ is – Karma is a Bitch.
But, do you really think that it is a bitch? Or is it just unnecessarily defamed to coax the mind for the bad times that one is experiencing?
The basic concept of Karma is – What goes around comes around.
In the famous sitcom The Big Bang Theory, Raj defends Karma as – It’s not a superstition. It’s practically Newtonian – for every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction.
Nevertheless, the view on Karma differs from person to person depending on the times they are experiencing. During happy times, noone gives a shit about it whereas during bad times, all the blame is put on it!
Now who can ignore the ideas about Rebirths while discussing Karma! My friend once said – “I don’t believe in rebirths”. I am damn sure that even you people have contrasting views on rebirths. But there comes certain periods in life when you have no rationale (to give yourself) other than ‘Karma of the previous births’ for the distressing times that you are going through.
I realised this entire thing recently. At present, my life is one of the most depressing time periods that I have ever experienced in my life… so much so that I have become damn sure that I have done nothing that evil in this life to be in such a fuckin’ situation and therefore have been forced to believe that it must be the result of the evil karmas of my previous birth. And at this time, I have understood the real meaning of ‘Karma is a bitch’.
In ancient times, the Theory of Karma had a very important effect on the society –
- Karma Theory acted as a justification to the division of labor – One’s status in life is determined by one’s action (karma) in past incarnations. Thus even the most wretched man with his degrading occupation remains satisfied with the belief that the miseries of his present life, are the result of his sins in his previous life; and if he submissively performs his caste duties in this life, he will be born in a higher caste in the next life.
- According to Max Weber, ideas of ‘Karma’, ‘Dharma’ and ‘Punarjanma’ prevented rise of capitalism in many societies.
Coming back to the present times, I am not here to defend Karma or make you believe in it. You’ll realise what your mind truly feels about it when (God forbid) you fall into circumstances which force you to end up in being left with no reason other than blaming Karma!
Anyways, if God makes me a member of the Department of Karma, I’ll definitely try to modify the rules – Karma should definitely be present, but its thread with rebirths should be disconnected…I mean, why should one be punished or awarded for the deeds of his previous birth? Shouldn’t the victim of the evil deeds of that person see him get penalized in front of his eyes?!
One will never know the answer about its existence. Nonetheless, if the belief in Karma can make a person do kind activities or its fear can prevent him from indulging in anti-social activities…then why hate it?
For the time being, let us just satisfy ourselves by modifying the statement into – Karma is a bitch only when you are!

The first thing that comes in mind when one hears the term ‘Karma’ is – Karma is a Bitch.
But, do you really think that it is a bitch? Or is it just unnecessarily defamed to coax the mind for the bad times that one is experiencing?
The basic concept of Karma is – What goes around comes around.
In the famous sitcom The Big Bang Theory, Raj defends Karma as – It’s not a superstition. It’s practically Newtonian – for every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction.
Nevertheless, the view on Karma differs from person to person depending on the times they are experiencing. During happy times, noone gives a shit about it whereas during bad times, all the blame is put on it!
Now who can ignore the ideas about Rebirths while discussing Karma! My friend once said – “I don’t believe in rebirths”. I am damn sure that even you people have contrasting views on rebirths. But there comes certain periods in life when you have no rationale (to give yourself) other than ‘Karma of the previous births’ for the distressing times that you are going through.
I realised this entire thing recently. At present, my life is one of the most depressing time periods that I have ever experienced in my life… so much so that I have become damn sure that I have done nothing that evil in this life to be in such a fuckin’ situation and therefore have been forced to believe that it must be the result of the evil karmas of my previous birth. And at this time, I have understood the real meaning of ‘Karma is a bitch’.
In ancient times, the Theory of Karma had a very important effect on the society –
- Karma Theory acted as a justification to the division of labor – One’s status in life is determined by one’s action (karma) in past incarnations. Thus even the most wretched man with his degrading occupation remains satisfied with the belief that the miseries of his present life, are the result of his sins in his previous life; and if he submissively performs his caste duties in this life, he will be born in a higher caste in the next life.
- According to Max Weber, ideas of ‘Karma’, ‘Dharma’ and ‘Punarjanma’ prevented rise of capitalism in many societies.
Coming back to the present times, I am not here to defend Karma or make you believe in it. You’ll realise what your mind truly feels about it when (God forbid) you fall into circumstances which force you to end up in being left with no reason other than blaming Karma!
Anyways, if God makes me a member of the Department of Karma, I’ll definitely try to modify the rules – Karma should definitely be present, but its thread with rebirths should be disconnected…I mean, why should one be punished or awarded for the deeds of his previous birth? Shouldn’t the victim of the evil deeds of that person see him get penalized in front of his eyes?!
One will never know the answer about its existence. Nonetheless, if the belief in Karma can make a person do kind activities or its fear can prevent him from indulging in anti-social activities…then why hate it?
For the time being, let us just satisfy ourselves by modifying the statement into – Karma is a bitch only when you are!